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“2 of 5 interleaved” – the preferred barcode for marking transport units
Square or rectangular 2-dimensional camera-readable code with high information density
A barcode is a script that can be read opto-electronically. It comprises parallel lines and gaps of various widths.
A batch is a set or lot size.
BCD stands for binary coded decimal, the binary coding of individual decimal digits
The print head prints in both directions: Working from left to right and also on the return path from right to left.
Packaging consisting of a plastic molded part with back panel made of paper/board or aluminum foil
Method of measuring the resistance to light of inks
Definition of the composition and finishing of a carton material manufactured from pulp, groundwood pulp, and recycled paper
Cartridge replacement in a matter of seconds
Codabar (or its US equivalent Code-a-bar) is an alphanumeric barcode with a restricted character set.
Code128 is an alphanumeric barcode with high information density.
The alphanumeric barcode Code39 contains 7 special characters in addition to digits and uppercase letters.
Devices for marking products and packages with various items of data
Temperature-controlled storage and distribution of goods
The “cyclic” function supports repeat printing initiated by a trigger signal. It can be used for both continuous material and repeat printing of a single carton or other objects for printing.
Square or rectangular 2-dimensional camera-readable code with high information density
Square or rectangular 2-dimensional camera-readable code with high information density
e.g., of foodstuffs, is only permitted if special, non-harmful inks approved under food regulations are used
Matrix printers which generate a print image by ejecting droplets of ink in a specific manner
EAN: European Article Number – barcode conforming to ISO/IEC standard 15420
(seit 2009: GS1-128) Strichcode für Materialfluss, Lagertechnik und Sendungsverfolgung.
(also GTIN-13) 13-digit numerical barcode for product marking
(also GTIN-8) 8-digit numerical barcode for product marking
EFPIA is the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations.
Sensors for detecting distances
(electronic pedigree) Data record tracking every movement of a product in the supply chain
Ethernet Industrial Protocol (open industry standard)
“EU Directive 2011/62/EU aims to improve protection for patients against falsified medicines”
European legislation on the marking and traceability of foodstuffs
Software containing processes where a signature on paper can be replaced by an electronic signature
Classification, e.g., of products in the reading of 2D codes by cameras
Compressed barcode for compact data representation
GTIN stands for global trade item number. It is the umbrella term for the identification numbers assigned by GS1.
The technology for data identification, capture, transmission, and marking
International Federation of Animal Health
Ink with certain properties
Ink jet printer
An IQ (installation qualification) records compliance with previously defined requirements for the setup and installation of delivered equipment.
ISEGA is an independent advisory and testing institute for industry and retail. It works in the fields of chemical and physical analytics, microbiology, ecology, sterilization, production assessment, and product certification.
At Wolke, this term also describes a formatted and saved printed text.
National regulations prescribe the unique product marking by the manufacturer
The printhead is replaced automatically whenever a cartridge is changed.
Also DataMatrix code: A square or rectangular 2-dimensional camera-readable code with high information density
Size of the square or rectangular code image
Dimensions of a single data cell in the DataMatrix code
Printheads often have one or more nozzle rows to eject droplets of ink
Optical character recognition fonts are fonts which can be read and distinguished quickly by optical readers.
A barcode used for ZIP codes in the USA
Part of a printing system
The lifecycle of goods as they move from production through wholesaling and retailing and beyond to the consumer, recorded in accordance with EU Directive 178/2002
of medicines: technologies designed to protect against product falsification
QR stands for quick response, a 2D code originally developed for logistics in vehicle production. 2D codes can be read with smartphone cameras and usually contain links to specific Internet sites.
Unit of measure for image definition, specified in pixels
Product falsification can be countered by having unique serial numbers printed onto pharmaceutical sales items.
Substance that does not contain solvents
In a thermal ink jet cartridge, current pulses pass through heating elements to generate and eject minute droplets of ink.
Ink cartridge with TIJ technology (TIJ: thermal ink jet)
Tracking and tracing of shipments or products
UPC A: UPC stands for Universal Product Code; used in the USA since 1973, it is the equivalent of the EAN code (EAN: European Article Number).
The UPC-E code compresses 11 numbers (like UP-A) into an 8-digit barcode.
Process which provides proof (that a barcode can be read)
Device which tests barcodes against global standards
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