Wolke launches m610-series
Automatic cartridge recognition
Ink batch/lot number tracking
Expiration date notification
Portable ink level tracking
Nozzle health checks
Restriction/permission of ink type
Case Study S. Spitz
Austrian food producer Spitz enjoys enhanced code quality and reduced costs with Videojet coding solutions.
Whether Jagertee, Spitz Frizzante, or Orange Punch; baked goods, fruit jams, or mayonnaise, the 700-employee company not only belongs to the “Most Trusted Brands” on the Austrian domestic market, but also has long exported its products with increasing radius and success to countries all around the world. The Austrian food manufacturer chose Videojet Technologies coding solutions because they are highly reliable and offer top-quality coding, coupled with an integrated operating and service concept.
“Our yardstick was ‘The right coding for the right product’,” Heimbuchner states, “what mattered to us most of all in this context was choosing the best technology for each application.”
Here you can read the full Case Study from S. Spitz from Austria.
Wolke Thermal Inkjet Team Launches Next Generation Printer For Track & Trace OEMs
Innovative m600 oem delivers ultimate integration flexibility with the industry’s most powerful set of global track and trace capabilities.
Healthcare companies around the world will be expected to meet imminent drug and medical legislations, including the European Union Falsified Medicines Directive (EU FMD) and the US Drugs Quality and Security Act (DQSA). Such legislation is creating a clear necessity for global traceability solutions to better trace manufactured product, help stamp out counterfeit pharmaceuticals and protect global consumer health. Although the pharmaceutical and medical sectors are most immediately affected, other industries including tobacco, chemicals and food and beverage are close behind with the need for more sophisticated supply chain track and trace. In response, Wolke by Videojet has developed a new printing technology specifically for track and trace applications, supporting the packaging line OEMs and integrators that supply turnkey hardware and software for these mandated serialization projects.
Drew Weightman, Global Business Unit Manager of TIJ at Wolke and Videojet explains: “The m600 advanced is a renowned machine that has become the trusted standard for track and trace applications around the world. However, we saw an opportunity to build from that solid foundation, introducing even more cutting edge technology, processing power and security capabilities in a new form factor. The resulting m600 oem is optimized in all of these ways for global track and trace projects of the future, from Brazil to Italy, Germany to Korea.”
Please read here how Mettler-Toledo PCE uses the new TIJ printers.
Relocation of Wolke
Please note the new contact details of our Technical Support as of May 11, 2015
Wolke by Videojet
Wacholderweg 3
90518 Altdorf, Germany
Tel: +49 (0)9187-95678-88
Fax: +49 (0)9187-95678-99
New Content Download Section
We would like to offer you all relevant information on Wolke by Videojet and the Wolke m600 solutions at one click. Therefore we created a new Content Download Section, where you can find:
- product information, company information, comprehensive information (Marketing & Sales)
- technical data sheets, technical drawings, manuals, software, service information (technical information)
- earlier versions of manuals, software, etc. in the archive
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2018 Has Been Confirmed: Prepare Now for the EU Falsified Medicines Directive
Taking Wolke to the Next Level
Wolke Inks & Printers GmbH and Videojet Technologies GmbH have come together to take the Wolke brand to the next level.
Wolke Inks & Printers GmbH was acquired by Videojet Technologies GmbH, a subsidiary of America's Danaher Corporation, in 2009. This marked the start of a number of years of close collaboration. The next step was taken in 2013, when the two companies merged, with the Wolke brand being retained.
“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” (Aristotle).
Wolke is, and will remain, a brand that is firmly rooted in the German market. Now under the umbrella of Videojet, and with a growing product portfolio, it continues to make a mark as a specialist for superior marking systems.